Stay Current on Kids and Money Today Issues
Click ‘like’ on our Facebook page.
While our blog contains articles, we use Facebook to share short ideas or quickly update you on news tips, such as changes to student aid or the FAFSA.
When you click “Like” on our Facebook page and continue to interact with us, you receive notices to you in the form of a news-feed. It’s an easy way to keep up-to-date on USFSPA issues, military divorce, and other former military spouse concerns.
Kids and Money Today on Facebook
When you click “Like” on our Facebook page and continue to interact with us, Facebook will send notices to you in the form of a news-feed. It’s an easy way to keep up-to-date on jobs for kids, financial issues for parents, FAFSA news, college tips, and other opportunities to have a strong family financial portfolio.

Become a Fan on Facebook
How Come I’m Not Getting Facebook Updates?
Occassionally, we hear from someone who says, “I liked your page, but I never receive updates.”
In order to continue to receive Facebook updates from business pages, you must interact with Kids and Money Today on Facebook. (We don’t set these parameters – Facebook does.)
What does it mean to Interact?
To make sure you receive our Facebook updates, you need to intereact with us on Facebook.
This can be something as simple as:
- like a comment or photo
- share a comment or photo
- poste your own update onto our page ~ yes, we like to hear from you!
Facebook is not a Blog Substitute
We post some, but not all blog posts to Facebook.
To be 100% sure you receive EVERY blog post, you need to Subscribe to the Kids and Money Today Blog.
Cross Promotion for Our Fans
When you click like on Facebook, you get featured on this page in our rotating fans block below. So connect with us through social media networking. We’d love to hear your thoughts.
Related posts
- Mass Planner – software to schedule pins.
- Schedule Posts to Facebook Groups